Thursday, October 29, 2015

Balance and Symmetry

What I'm Currently Reading: The Language of Graphic Design by Richard Poulin pgs 120-140

Okay, I was totally dragging my feet today, because I wanted to rpg than do this. But I saw that little don't break the chain calendar and I knew I had to do it. So gold star for me. So today I read about balance and symmetry.  First thing I learned about is how color, weight, value, and texture can affect a composition's balance. I also learned about what symmetry where one side mirrors the other side, and everything is centered on a horizontal access.  Asymmetry is where there is no symmetry in the composition.

Some of the explanations especially when it came to bilateral symmetry went out of my head and I'm going to have to dig more information up, but I got a good primer on balance and symmetry. I'm also found a video that pretty much sums up the difference of balance, symmetry, and asymmetry.


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