Courtsey of Shawn Berry
Reading: Chapter 15 of The Language of Graphic Arts
So I took Friday off to celebrate a religious holiday, so I had to take time off from my studying. I'm back and I'm here to talk about tension. No, not about emotional tension, but tension between items in a composition and what causes that tension. At first I didn't quite get it because the book was kind of difficult to understand. I got the jist of it, but I decided to get a easier more straightforward explanation of tension.
What I come to understand is that Tension is the spatial relationship between the objects of the composition. I know I'm not explaining this right. So I'm going to try to explain it. Tension can be a vocal point. Tension also can be in relation to where the objects in a composition are to each other. The best way to figure out if there some tension in the composition is to see if everything is on an axis. Things on axis's have lower tension than asymmetrical objects in a composition.Also color, and value can cause tension in a composition as well.
I also found this video here that also explains it pretty well too. I also suggest you to subscribe to the channel, because Shawn Perry has a whole series of this. I tend to get things when I see and hear it and experience them first hand.
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