Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Figure-Ground Contintued + Frames

Currently Reading: Chapter 20 of Language of Graphic Design

So this study session was a bit shorter than yesterday’s.  It was basically mostly finishing reading the rest of the supplemental articles. Also today’s chapter was on frames and it was basically straightforward and short. I’m almost done with the book and then I’m going to take in a video lecture on the elements of design and then review my notes (there are not many because I was postponed until now). 

I’m going to end up typing them up into google docs as a review.  And then I’m going to take a self-test.  I will diffidentally tell you guys what I get on that test.  Then I plan to move on to color theory which I am really looking forward to.

I also want a book on visual communication as well. So I’m going to look that up as well. I like learning more in depth into graphic design. There are so many nuisances and details that go into design. Like frames, and space. It’s so fascinating.  I’m still chopping at the bit to get my hands dirty, but I have to wait The theory is just as important as the practical stuff. I just got so many ideas.  *le sigh*


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