Friday, November 6, 2015

Value, Tint, and Shade

Reading: Chapter 18 of Language of Graphic Design

Another short chapter, but today I really did need some supplmental items. I found a site that broke down all the color terms for me in more simplicitic terms.  Because the book I was reading was a bit more complicated than I needed and I still need to work on how to use a color wheel more effecitively and I decided to use google docs for my notes.   I really love color and I really want to learn how to use it effectively in visual commuication.

Although I'll wait to go further into that when I study color theory in more depth. I'm still not looking forward to the hellish adventure that is revising, but it is very much needed.

But it feels all so complicated at times, and I often feel that I'm out of depth. I also have to start studying more, but I want to gradually up the time so i won't be overwhelm with too much information. I want to be fully trained this time next year and I want to be a working graphic designer in two years. So we shall see how I meet that timeline.


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